In this sparkling performance of Donizetti’s light-hearted comedy Jane Archibald is Marie, the young canteen girl of the local regiment. Javier Camarena is her beloved Tonio, whose show-stopping aria “Ah! mes amis” is famous for its remarkable nine high Cs. Carlos Álvarez is the comical Sergeant Sulpice, and Maria Happel is the pompous Duchess of Krakenthorp.
Laurent Pelly’s stylish production is conducted by Giacomo Sagripanti.
La Fenice Choir & Orchestra
Conductor Stefano Ranzani
Chorus Master Alfonso Caiani
Marie Maria Grazia Schiavo
Marquise de Berkenfield Natasha Petrinsky
Duchesse Krakenthorp Marisa Laurito
Tonio John Osborn
Sulpice Armando Noguera
HortensiusGuillaume Andrieux